Sexual harassment or assault – and what to do if it happens

In the #MeToo age, many people have a clearer understanding of the importance of consent and what is and isn’t acceptable behaviour. Sadly, that doesn’t mean that sexual harassment, sexual assault and even rape are not common occurrences. They often occur within relationships, environments or groups – like at work or college – where people […]

Body confidence – what is a normal body?

Thinking your body is different, abnormal or even weird is an experience many people have – young and old. In a world of social media, beautiful celebrities and biology text books, anything other than perfect can seem wrong. But bodies come in all shapes, sizes, colours and conditions – each one as natural and normal […]

Unplanned pregnancy and your choices

An unplanned pregnancy can be a scary time, particularly if you are young, unprepared or not in a stable home or relationship. However, there are choices and support available to help you make the right decisions for you. So, we’ll take a look at each of them and what’s involved. Pregnancy test The first sign […]

Staying safe in the Christmas party season

Christmas is nearly here! Mistletoe is being readied, nights out are being planned and parties organised. It’s a great time of the year to spend with friends, family and meeting new people. However, it can also leave a headache which lasts beyond new year, if you pick up an STI, experience an unexpected pregnancy or […]

What makes a healthy or unhealthy relationship?

Young or old, many of us at some point find ourselves in a relationship which encounters issues. To quote many nursery rhymes, we sometimes have to kiss a few frogs before we find our Prince or Princess! But what makes a healthy – or unhealthy – relationship? How can you tell if the experience you’re […]

When to take a pregnancy test after having LARC removed

Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) is a popular method of contraception in the UK. At some point you – or your partner – may choose to stop contraception in order to start a family or have another child. Alternatively, you may stop LARC in order to switch to another form of contraception. So, once you’ve stopped […]

Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) – a good option?

Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (otherwise known as LARC) is a type of contraception which is increasingly popular today. The more well-known types of LARC include the implant, the IUD and the contraceptive injection. LARC is a great option for preventing pregnancy, and is quick and easy to get hold of! All you need to do is […]

What is PrEP: Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis?

In recent years, there has been a lot of research into HIV and how to prevent and potentially cure it. This has led to preventative measures like PrEP for people who might find themselves at risk of contracting it, giving people the chance to make empowered choices. PrEP stands for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, a medicine which […]

World Contraception Day

Monday the 26th September is World Contraception Day! The day focuses on raising awareness about contraception – helping young people make informed and empowered choices on their sexual and reproductive health. So, let’s have a look at some of the types of contraception you can choose – all of which are available through our clinics […]

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is illegal in the UK but still happens here and across the world. It is often a traumatising experience which can leave women and girls seriously harmed with scarring, pain and mental health issues. However, whilst it can be scary to acknowledge and come to terms with, victims can heal. What […]