Female Sterilisation

Also known as tubal ligation, female sterilisation is a quick but permanent medical procedure which stops women from being able to become pregnant.

Female sterilisation is a surgical procedure in which the fallopian tubes are permanently blocked, clipped or removed, preventing the fertilisation of an egg.

Choosing tubal ligation

Tubal ligation is typically chosen by women who’ve already had children or reached an age where they know neither they or their partner(s) want children now or in the future.

It is long-term and therefore very hard to successfully reverse. For this reason, tubal ligation is not typically recommended as a form of contraception for younger people.

It is technically possible to reverse tubal ligation. However, the reversal procedure is only available under certain specific circumstances and chances of success are low.

Having tubal ligation can’t protect against potential STIs – therefore, using a condom during sex is still recommended to prevent infections.

Tubal ligation procedure

When undergoing tubal ligation, you’ll most likely be placed under general anaesthesia (knocked out).

Having made a small incision, the surgeon will block your fallopian tubes by either applying plastic or titanium clips (clamps) or tight silicone rings.

Some doctors may prefer to block your fallopian tubes by tying, cutting and removing a small section.

Tubal ligation is a fairly minor operation and you’ll typically return home on the same day.

Female sterilisation is over 99% effective against pregnancy.

Speak to your GP

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