Sex and Consent

In recent years, the #MeToo movement in particular has shone the spotlight on consent and unwanted sexual advances and sexual assault. Whilst sexual consent has always been essential, necessary and non-negotiable, it is rightly something which we are all giving even more thought to, to ensure we protect others. Making sure you have sexual consent […]

Premature Ejaculation

Almost every man suffers from premature ejaculation at some point in their life. Ejaculation is the moment a man climaxes or cums during sex. Ideally, it’s a moment we wish to control but it often something which happens more spontaneously. The most common issue is premature ejaculation, when a man climaxes before they or their […]

Coming Out

Sexuality is a very personal matter and ‘coming out’ – telling others you’re gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, queer, questioning or ace (LGBTQ+) – can be daunting. Though attitudes continue to improve, it can still be an understandably frightening time – both making a statement about yourself and anticipating the reaction of others. However, sexuality is […]

What is Sexuality

Sexuality is sometimes a difficult term to define as it can mean different things to different people. Generally, it is used to describe how people express themselves in a sexual way. Often, this includes the type of person or people you find attractive and how you might describe your own sexual orientation. It can also […]

How to Use a Condom

A condom is perhaps the simplest way to avoid an unplanned pregnancy – and also the best way to avoid an unwanted sexually transmitted infection! Like anything, for a condom to work it has to be used correctly. Fortunately, it’s easy… What is a condom? A condom is a thin latex ‘glove’ which stretches over […]

Important Notice for Abbey View Clinic Visitors

When visiting the Abbey View Clinic in Bury St Edmunds, please use this postcode in your Sat Nav: IP33 1RX.

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